
I have been seeing beautiful blog posts coupled with great contents such as

My definition of being “beautiful” is just text and no distraction, look good both on mobile and on desktop, and display Latex. My definition of “great content” often involve machine learning, optimization, and related topics.

Setting up

So without being further ado, let’s start with how to make a blog like those three mentioned above blog. You will need a couple components:

  • Jekyll: Pretty easy to install on Mac, just follow the link
  • Github Pages: Also pretty easy to setup. Create a github account if you haven’t got one, then follow the link.
  • Markdown: Used to generate html file from simpler looking file (no need to install this)
  • Mathjax: For typing Latex. No need to install this either

After spending some good hours and failing at setting up the various requirements, here is the trick I found: just clone the blog of the people above. In particular, I clone Karpathy blog into mine. Many thanks to Andre Karpathy for this, and my apology if my blog accidentally contains some stuffs from yours. Ok now open Terminal in Mac:

mkdir MyBlog
# Downloading sample github page from Andre Karpathy
git clone
# Downloading your own github page blog. Replacing username with your github
# user name
git clone
cp ./* ./
# Removing stuff associated with the original owner
rm _posts/* # Hist posts

You will need to change a few more information. Open _config.yaml_ and change all the detail in there to your username. Change things in as well. Also in _layouts/post.html and _layouts/page.html, there is a part with “karpathy”, change that to your username. Basically, search for all text with the original owner’s name and replace them with your name. You might also want to delete everything in i assets, as those are the picture that the original owner uses.

And voila, you are done.

Hello World

To create your first blog post, again copy over a sample post say from

cp ./

And you can start changing things in there. Then do this jekyll serve inside your folder. You should see something like this if successful

Configuration file: /Users/hd/Documents/Blog/
            Source: /Users/hd/Documents/Blog/
       Destination: /Users/hd/Documents/Blog/
     Build Warning: Layout 'none' requested in feed.xml does not exist.
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/Users/hd/Documents/Blog/'
Configuration file: /Users/hd/Documents/Blog/
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

Open your web browser, and go to, you will see your post there.

Now to push this online, just

git add .
git commit -m "First blog"
git push origin master

And go to